Why does reading make us Sleepy?

Reading book making the person sleepy. Image from bookriot.com/

Many times you might have found yourself sleepy while reading something. But why? Let us find out.

Many people like to read before going to bed, as reading makes them feel sleepy. The reason for this is that reading has an almost hypnotic effect on a person, as it involves rhythmic eye movement, a relaxed position, and focussed attention.

Your body becomes passive, you become less alert and start feeling drowsy. If your reading involves mathematical calculations and deductive reasoning, your mind has to work hard too, and this can make you feel tired and sleepy as well.

Attentively and concentratively study Image from onlineclasshelpers.comTip - If you get sleepy while doing your schoolwork, don't lie down and study. Sit straight and take a little walk whenever you feel yourself nodding off

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